The first image I found is of a hippie meditating. A stereotype I discovered was that all Buddhists are hippies. It’s funny to read into this stereotype because I’m Buddhist and I certainly don’t look like/want to look like this. In Brad Warner’s book, Zen Wrapped in Karma Dipped in Chocolate, he talks about Buddhism and if it existed in the west (Chapter 5). “When I started studying Zen in Ohio nobody wanted to know. Zen was hippie stuff. This was the eighties!” (25) Many Theravada Buddhists are conservative and have completely different views of what a hippie may have. I know for a fact that I don’t practice most of the beliefs that hippies support.
The image I found below contradicts what some people may think of when they think of Buddhists. A few folks out there may assume that Buddhists are all dreadfully serious people, don’t wear makeup and never have fun. Sadly, I fit the total opposite of all of this. I like to wear makeup and feel good about myself, I’m a big goof, and I enjoy socializing with my friends every weekend. Buddhists practice having a balanced state of mind in order to not react to situations especially with anger or without thought. Buddhists definitely know how to have a good time; the Dalai Lama is even known for having a sense of humor and frequently cracks jokes, laughs and smiles. My dad is even a friend of a Buddhist monk who is the head of the temple I go to, and he is also known for being a humorous man.
Another stereotype is that Buddhists are not allowed to desire anything. Therefore, they cannot play sports or achieve anything either. The Buddhist monk below is staying active by riding a bike! Tiger Woods is a champion golfer. Jackie Chan is a successful actor and martial artist. Steve Jobs (who I had no clue was a Buddhist) is the CEO of Apple. I’m a Buddhist and I like to work out and stay active outside. Buddhists play sports and some do it very well; they also achieve positive desires throughout their lives. In Chapter 2 of Warner’s book, it stated “most Western Buddhist teachers, need to have “real jobs” in the secular world. But there’s a myth going around Buddhist circles in the West that the only jobs that qualify as what Buddha called “right livelihood” are as therapist or yoga teacher “(12). The Buddhists I talked about above obviously do not have these jobs and I’m sure not all Buddhist teachers are therapists or yoga teachers. Brad Warner sure isn’t.
I wonder why there are so many stereotypes of Buddhism out there. It was a real eye-opener to read about all these stereotypes coming from my (a Theravada Buddhist) point of view.

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